Saturday 18 December 2010

Warm Winter

After walking home from dance class, we stopped to play in the park. We didn't stay long as it was getting dark. Chaplin asked why the sun was setting, I told him it was winter and the days are shorter..bla bla bla... he cut me off and excitedly asked me "IS IT CHRISTMAS?"
Not yet baby! but let's get this party started!
So here started our Christams season.

Early Snow.
which did melt by the next day.
Chaplin and I made a snowman. AND - a photographer in our building took a photo of it, later she found out we made it. When we got home from our holiday to Yuma, she had slipped a copy of her photo under our door. The photo is titled "Chaplin".

Decorate our tree, and put up our wall murals, Chaplin and I think our house twinkles.

Ginger bread men! my favorite
Invited over to Jen, Jacob and Benjamin's house to make, bake and decorate ginger bread men. We ladies enjoyed some festive wine while watching them. Notice the one rolling pin!!!!

Visit with Grandpa Boyd
While in town for work he took us out for a seafood dinner.
Yum. Thank you.

Gingerbread House.
And again, Chaplin didn't eat the candies for the house.
I don't know how he does it, because i sure tasted each and every kind before it got glued on.

My Birthday
Adam took me out for dinner.
How dumb that the photo doesn't show my present from the boys. A Tiffiany & Co. two heart necklace. it is SO nice. I love you Adam Boyd!

Suesical the Musical
We went with Nordby family to a Dr. Suese musical. Chaplin dressed up as Thing 1.
Looks like Laika might eat Thing 1...

Christmas Party
theme: Enchantment Under the Sea dance from the movie "Back to the Future". This is one of Adam's top 10 movies. HUGE favorite. HUGE.
The girl in the pink poodle skirt is Anita.
Magical music entertainment of the night... notice Adam?

Bright Nights at Stanley Park.
...A ride on the train to see all the Christmas Lights...

Okay so we didn't buy tickets online, and when we got to the park the train tickets were sold out. Chaplin was disappointed so we got him a glow stick, and I was a bad mom - I did not stop him from swinging it around like he was slaying the happy people with tickets! kidding.

December 18th and Santa arrives on Lane 5!
Chaplin's boy gift was the game FRUSTRATION. He got home and immediatley lost a piece. I checked under the rug, under all furniture - inside the couches and even vacuumed in them! Okay this game is FRUSTRATING! Finally found the piece and played it.

December 18th - Adam's last day of University.
I've had this wine chilling - waiting for this day.
I have not mentioned anything about Adam going back to University to finish his degree. But it consumed our lives. Since September I had been living like a single parent, and it was very lonely. Adam would get up, go to work, then go to school, come home and study. Weekends were Adam locked in the bedroom studying and writing essays. I tried to help him with some of the research, but in the end it was Adam that had to do the work to get straight A's! I am amazed by how determined he is, how brilliant he is because he graduated with a bachelor of fine arts with a major in film and a minor in communications - top of the class - President's and Dean's honour roll - non the less.

December 19th - almost Christmas!
Morning : We called Grandma Fran and Rod on skype to open up gifts together.
Now this gift that Fran and Rod sent to Chaplin is very special. Chaplin has been pining away for this toy since our Liverpool days. He had been saving his allowance for it! So he almost cried when he opened up the gift and it was FIREMAN SAM TOYS! Thank you Grandma Fran and Rod!

Later in the Morning: Visit to Auntie Nancy's house to see Susanna and Christie and make some more gingerbread men.

Afternoon : 0ver to Mark & Sue's house to visit cousin Katie and Claire. What a fun party!

December 20th - pack suitcases and open gifts before we leave...

We called Grandpa Doug and Grandma Dwan on skype to. Chap got a nerf gun from Neacail that Adam seems to think is his! Dwan - thank you for the funny books, Chaplin loves the "insides of a dog" book! Cailin, I have worn my striped shirt three times now, it rocks. Thank you Boyd family for all the gifts...and just to note - Dwan your gift wrapping skills are exceptional, I blame my lack of on "Chaplin helped me!" - even if he didn't...
Chaplin wants to thank:
Grandma Pansy for the generous cheque!
Glen and Darlene for the shirt, toque and mit set. You always send neat gifts!
Auntie Nancy and family for the pj's and delicious gift basket
Mark and Sue for the helicopter! ... not so good to fly it inside!
Pat Framst for the fun 'art' reading book - what a great find Pat!

Thank you Uncle Mark and Auntie Courtney!

December 21st - Leave for Yuma to visit my parents winter home for Christmas.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Witches In the Air

Halloween Weekend. 3 days of madness…

Carve pumpkins with Auntie Nancy

So this year Chaplin wanted to be a transformer (no he has not seen the movies or cartoons.) why? well because i showed him this youtube video:

He asked to be that dancing car! I told him about Bumble Bee the Transformer and there was no turning back. We bought him a package costume, and he asked me "where is the plasma blaster!" So i got to work and made him a plasma blaster and some shoulder doors! His costume was so cool.

Boyd Halloween Rule - it's okay to buy parts of your costume as long as some if it's home-made.

Pre-school kids all dressed up. No plasma baster here.

from school we went off to Adam's work for the kids party.

Where is that plasma blaster gun?

ahh... here it is.

Chap had so many people on the street stopping and giving him thumbs up.
AWESOME costume dude.

I was even making Adam a mask.. but in the end i couldn't find cold foam latex in Vancouver to cast the wolf face. Oh well next year!

Adult Party at Adam's work.

Dead Red Riding hood and the big bad Wolf.
Adam looked like a wookie.

Anita my fair maiden. Nice.


Over to Auntie Nancy's neighbourhood to treak-or-treat.

We love Halloween, hope it was as good for you as it was for us.


One last game of golf before the summer is over.
Okay we don't play golf, but we should - it's fun.

Note to Adam - that bendy move you are doing is bad on your back.

Bike ride on a perfect Saturday.

Season: FALL

Thanksgiving dinner and we were surround with love.
Table cloth: wedding gift from Sharman (i think Courtney has the same one)
Rose plates: belonged to my great grandmother Teather (mom's dad's mom..)
Serving dishes: custom made by Auntie Louise for our wedding
Wine: thanks Mark and Sue!
Wine glasses: from Rod and Fran.

Played a family game of battle ship after dinner,
Boys vrs Girl = Win for team Boys.
Do you notice behind the boys is our Halloween tree?

Chap just looked at this picture and said "Wahooo, hey can we go there."
Spending time with Uncle Chris in his work shop.

One Saturday when Adam had to go to work, Chaplin and I decided to go hang out at the mall! We played in the kid pit (don't ask!), we had lunch together and then went cloths shopping. It was interesting letting him pick the cloths off the rack. So from top to bottom this is an outfit he picked out all by himself. (he is not smiling because he decided he didn't like the jacket after all... I told him it was large enough that maybe it he would grow into loving it)

He has a team shirt now and I'll take a picture of him in his yellow shirt.
I need Fran to come visit soon so she can sew all of Chaplin's badges onto his bowling shirt.
Anita and I did talk about 'can you hot glue the badges on?' ... i don't know!


Snail twins.

Still Art - Chaplin set this scene up and then walked me through it.
inside the blocks, he had hidden men.

Still Art - this one is super funny.

We go out without Chaplin? Why yes we do!
Proof in the pictures.