Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Two Firsts

FIRST first:
HEY... what's going on here?

First hair cut... or maybe it's more like First Trim.

Chaplin flat out refused to have his hair cut - until today.

He went with Adam today to watch his daddy have his hair trimmed and when Adam was done Chaplin felt it was okay to let a few of his own long locks get snipped. He did not want it short, but the bangs are now off his eyes.

(this is our hair dresser, and she even put a picture of me on her website)

After his hair-cut the boys went to the optometrist. Adam has 20/15 vision - so he's got super hero eyeballs. Big deal. And Chaplin has his dad's eyes with perfect vision. Dr. Renke told Adam that Chaplin was the best patient he had ever had in the office.

1 comment:

  1. Chaplin had a haircut??!! Oh no! Well, from the pictures it still looks the same except that maybe it will keep out of his eyes. So that is a good thing. Hope he likes it. Tell him that Grandma thinks his haircut looks fab
