Monday, 11 January 2010

Adventure Walk Monday!

I've had one of those days where what you want to do, what you set out to do - doesn't happen!

I really wanted Chaplin to have play-time with kids today.
1) I decided to take him to the mom and tot swim drop in at the Aqua centre, but we missed the drop in time.
2) So I decided to take him to the child care centre - but that was too far to walk without a proper map.
3) Next decision was to walk to the Yellow Submarine. It is about a 30 min. walk from our place. We headed out and before too long hit side-walks that were not passable due to the lingering ice and snow.

I asked Chaplin if we could go on a big 'adventure walk' instead. He said" that's an idea mommy. Now can we go to a restaurant please."

We left the streets of Liverpool One and headed out on our walk.
What a great idea, I thought some of the streets were just stunning really. We walked up Bond Street and poped into a three story book store - to eat at their cafe and buy a city map!

We left Bond Street and headed over to see if St. Georges Hall was open.
4) Unfortunately it wasn't, but just walking around it was incredibly rewarding. It's a giant masterpiece of an impressive size.

5) We tried to walk over to Walker Art Gallery, but it was too icy on too steep of an incline to push the stroller up.... So we were off to the World Museum. Was it open? YES! We missed the Planetarium shows, so we'll have to go back soon.

Here is my monkey showing the other monkeys how to "put feet up"

Walking like an Egyptian

Stand still

This is not your spot little boy!

However many failed attempts we had today, we had enough positive moments to make up for it.
Oh and did you know it was raining off and on all day? I bet it will being snowing again soon.

1 comment:

  1. You and Chaplin are having such a good time - can't wait to come to Liverpool to get in on the action.
