Thursday 14 January 2010

In the land of submarines

I consulted a different web map today and plotted out our route to The Yellow Submarine, a play gym for kids. A challenging walk of about 35 mintues, half of which was on slush covered sidewalks and we arrived at our destination in the said time! Not one wrong turn! I think I was happier than Chaplin when we walked in the front doors.

With Chaplin in sight, I sat down at our table to eat lunch and check my phone. I had one message, I thought it was from Fran saying she was on the train to liverpool! She not's supposed to be here until tomorrow! what does this mean! I panic and stuff my lunch down my throat and tell Chaplin we need to get boots on and go home... of course this is shocking to him, he was in the middle of sliding down a 15 foot slide! We leave the building in record speed, and are making good time when someone stopped and asked me how to get to The Yellow Submarine. I answer without stopping, but a few minutes later I have to smile! Me...the visitor to this city just gave someone directions! We slow down again!
hey wait... what is this!

The decal on the side of this FORD car made me laugh!

We make it home in under 20 mintues! I am red in the face and out of breath! good I had a chocolate muffin for breakfast. In the quiet condo I check my message again, and SILLY ME, I didn't hear it right, Fran isn't on the train, but she will be tomorrow.

We spent the rest of the afternoon making decorations for Chaplin's Birthday party,
he wants to have a Dinosaur Disco Dance Party. no kidding.

Tonight I took a little video of him talking about his birthday. He has been counting down sleeps for about a week now, 6 more, 5 more, 4 more, 3 more, 2 more... AND FINALLY one more.
He says in the video "Katie will be 3 and I will be four. Will I be as big as Tavis?"
Pretty sweet.


  1. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Chaplin
    Happy birthday to you.

    Have a happy day Chaplin and please give your Grandma a big hug for me.

    love Auntie Glenice

  2. Happy Birthday to Chaplin from:

    Christe, Auntie Nancy, Chase and Midnight

    and from Uncle Chris, Robert & Susanna, who are off on their own adventures.

  3. Happy Belated Bday Chappy! Katie loves to sing the happy Birthday we will make sure she sings for you when she gets up tomorrow! I am sure is looking forward to being 3 soon!
    Love Sue, Mark, and Cousin katie and Baby Claire
