Tuesday 16 March 2010

I am brave.

A care package arrived today for Chaplin from: Leif, Laika and Tineke Nordby.
Thank you. I think there is a theme... airplane sticker book, helicopter lego kit, telescope for finding Canadian Land... books for the plane and a slinky to keep occupied.

We went out for a walk and again came across the sketchy park outside China Town. Chaplin wanted to go on the slide so i let him have a few runs before i started to feel uncomfortable. After I saw a dodgy looking man giving the UK version of the middle finger to a few other people and decided it was time to go. Quickly.

Chaplin cried, and said "I can not talk to you right now mommy, i am upset" and then had a little melt down. I held onto him and said "i know you want to stay, but i am scared of those men and mommy thinks it's time to leave. They might have guns and I don't want to get hurt." WELL... for anyone reading this... Chaplin picks up everything you say - be smart about how you talk to him and what you say ... "A gun... why did he have a gun? Did you see the gun? Where was the gun?" ... he agreed to leave but would not stop thinking about the man with the gun. Later that night he told Adam 'I am brave, when i see danger I run the other way." now in old western movies this might not be termed brave.. but in our world YES running or turning away from danger is very brave.

i have been hearing the horses and today we saw them.
We stopped and waved as they clip-clopped by...

beautiful looking building that is full of alternative shopping. Great if you are looking for punk clothing, or pipes. Chaplin asked why we were not staying to shop here... and I didn't tell the four year old why! Too many questions...

Fancy looking restaurant with one horrible name.

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