Wednesday 24 February 2010

No lobster in that pot.

Adam found out today that we are extending our stay until the end of March. We do not have our return to Canada date yet as our tickets need to be arranged.

So you ask "are you disappointed or excited?"

I am excited to be getting another month of Liverpool. If we had to pack up and leave here next week I would feel rushed to see all the things I have on my list.

1) go inside the Three Graces
2) drink a few pints in the Cellar
3) Beatles Museum
4) Beatles Magical Mystery tour
5) get Chaplin to participate in a dance class - so I can say he trained in England!
6) Tate Museum

7) FACT - we went there yesterday but didn't stay long enough to feel satisfied

8) Explore the downtown area. It is unbelievable, so much character.

9) more fish & chips from the Lobster Pot.

10) Hear the choir sing in the Cathedral
11) visit the Catholic cathedral

12) Mersey Ferry tour / ride
13) St. Georges Hall visit
14) Conservation Centre - there is an exhibit i want to view there.
15) See more Lambananas! ride one perhaps?
16) explore and explore.
17) oh and eat at Wagamamas' about 20 more times!
18) gormley statues
see.. i need another month

I told Chaplin tonight that we are getting to stay longer, and he said "i want to go to my favorite home where i have my friends and toys." Maybe Leif and Laika could send another video soon?


  1. One thing I want to do:

    Get the train to Bootle and buy a can of beans and loaf of bread from the corner store, then take it home and have beans on toast, just like the old days.

    On second thought the old days kinda sucked. Let's go to Wagamama instead...

  2. I would prefer that you just stay in England forever!

  3. But that is selfish - Chaplin needs his friends and toys ... but of course he could always get new friends and new toys?

  4. but a Liverpudlian accent might not be so good although we have very good schools in Worcester.
    Hope you know I am just joking although I would love it if you could stay in England somewhere.

  5. Grandma Fran, the plan is for you to retire and follow us around remember!

  6. Thank you, Anita, Laika, Tineke and Jacob for the videos today.
